A renovation learning curve, with Laura Deller
There's two types of people that require unwavering patience — school teachers and home renovators.
Laura Deller just happens to be both, so it's fair to assume that she's got patience by the bucket load. Throw small children into the equation, plus an insatiable appetite to tackle all manner of creative home projects, Laura's busy life is enough to overwhelm even the most organised of characters.
We sit down for a lesson in how to navigate the ups and downs of taking on a house that "needed EVERYTHING doing to it".
Stuck in the 70s
"This is a 70s house and we were drawn to it because it needed EVERYTHING doing to it, but it had a big footprint. As a 70s house, it had large rooms and big windows so the bones were good. There was also a 300ft garden to tackle which we thought would be a fantastic adventure for the children."
Learning on the ‘gram
"When it comes to my DIY experience, this house project has been a real series of ‘firsts’ and I've been very much learning on the job. By doing things myself I've upcycled lots of pieces of furniture which are unique and give each room a real homely feel. This has proven a real cost effective way of furnishing and styling our house.
There are several jobs which I've not attempted, such as tiling, but I'm hoping to give that a try in the outdoor kitchen that I’m keen to build this summer! Instagram gives me so much inspiration — I really enjoy watching and learning from others! In turn, I also hope my content inspires and helps others to give projects a go themselves, too."
Obsessive plans, excessive biscuits
"On buying the house, we knew we'd need to take on a significant build to improve the back of the house, which had several old "add-on" extensions — some of which that hadn't passed building control measures! So we went into the project with our eyes open, and we took our time. Renovating the upstairs bedrooms and bathrooms first, before we started building work downstairs, meant we still had a comfortable space to retreat to during the throes of the renovation. That being said, dust gets everywhere!
So my advice is to plan. Obsessively! Tape out floor zones to mark how you want your living spaces to work. I had a maze of tape on floors and walls for months before we started to check that the rooms, power sockets, furniture and new windows were in the right place.
Also, be flexible. We encountered many delays, particularly with the installation of our glazing. After being warned of a seven week delay for the skylights that were planned into our original drawings, we opted for a smaller size (15cm shorter) that was in stock and available immediately. The builders adjusted the roof openings accordingly and we were then watertight within a week. Quick decisions and flexibility kept our build on track.
Finally a good relationship with the builders is essential! I bought a hot water urn on Facebook Marketplace and had it ready every morning for the builders — they had drinks on tap, keeping them happy and me less accountable for tea making shifts each day! Plus biscuits. Lots of biscuits 🍪."
Laura’s scheme consists of anthracite grey Shaker-style cabinets, teamed with our brass KEPLER T-Bar Handles.
A classic kitchen combo
"For our kitchen, I always dreamt of dark cabinetry with pops of golden tones. The KEPLER Knurled T-Bar Handles had the perfect shade of brass that I was looking for. The weight of the handles and their textured knurled finish bring a touch of luxury to our busy kitchen space, and I’ve used a combination of the 160mm handle and the single T handles positioned vertically and horizontally for contrast. The brushed finish of the KEPLER Handles complement our Shaker-style cabinetry so well, plus they feel like pure class in use!"
Laura’s TEA BREAK tipple
"Like most teachers, I have a problem with coffee and a seriously sweet tooth. I’d never say no to a cherry Bakewell."
Must-follow interior muses
"Jen of @crack_the_shutters is my fave — she has such a beautiful home and garden!
Robyn of @the_house_acc has also renovated a beautiful family home!
Finally, @my_midcenturymakeover has total interior goals."
The renovation soundtrack
"I am firmly routed in the 90s when it comes to musical taste. Some people are really cool, whereas I am more likely to be having a 4.30am pre-work painting party whilst listening to 5ive! Our builders had 80s power ballads playing all the time whilst they were working! I'm definitely more current with my interiors than I am with music!"
Thanks to Laura for joining us for a TEA BREAK. Why not follow her renovation journey at @houseproject_36? 🔨